Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bidding Season Again

Here we are once again; bidding season. The list came out the first week of August with at least 100 posts to choose from. Out of the 100+ available cities around the world we had to narrow it down to Billy's allotted amount, 15 . After a few weeks of researching as well as trying to be realistic on our bidding strategy, we at least have 13 cities picked. If we get any of our choices during the first bidding cycle it will be a blessing.

We would like to stay overseas at least for another tour, but the competition is high. In my husband's section there are more people than available posts overseas, which means, politicking, waiting in line and taking turns. Fortunately, hardship posts always have low bidders. This means we will once again bid on some hardship places in hopes that this tactic keeps us overseas. Unfortunately, this is a way for us to remain overseas, unless Billy decided to do a year unaccompanied tour. Then he would have priority when it comes to bidding for a top notch spot, but there's still no guarantee, plus it's not the route we want to take at this time.

We have until October to submit our bids. By mid November we hope to know where our next home base will be come summer 2014. Maybe it'll be another hardship post, such as Kinshasa or Abidjan; a US field office for 2 years, or if we're extremely lucky Singapore or Pretoria. I am maintaining an open mind and will be happy with whatever outcome.

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